Tag Archives: democrat

Pelosi Prevaricates

Pelosi Prevaricates Forty briefings: those squawking the loudest about enhanced interrogation techniques knew about it. If President Bush is a war criminal for this then so is Speaker Pelosi. See the video below where theĀ  hypocrisy abounds:

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The Art of the Con

The Art of the Con Here’s an educational video that bears watching in the era of Obama, and a democrat controlled congress. What red meat political issues are the Dems chumming the water with, and which should we really be … Continue reading

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The Party of Racism and the Party of Liberty

Bob Parks has put together the history of civil rights in America; one which you won’t see from the lamestream media. It’s pretty essential reading when you reference the recent survey that showed that one third of Democrat voters are … Continue reading

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Down the Road is 2011: Dems Plan to Raise Taxes By Letting Bush Tax Cuts Expire

Barney Frank on MSNBC talking about how “down the road” [translation: after Barack is elected] we need to tax “the rich” more to pay for even more stimulus now [translation: money for cronies and democrat groups.] The Democrat definition of … Continue reading

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FEC Complaint to be Entered on Obama Campaign Donations

While Obamabots like Peter like to salt the comments here crowing about how Barack Obama is supported by “small donors,” some are really large donors breaking up their vary large contributions into chunks and breaking campaign law in the process, Continue reading

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My Advice to Republicans: Don’t Vote on the Bill Until we Have a New Speaker

Am I angry? No, I am enraged at Pelosi’s speech. It seems intended to politicize this and ensure that there is no fix. The Dems are not happy unless we are all poor victims and the economy is tanking because they are party-power first people.

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The 2004 Hearings on Fannie and Freddy

In these hearings you see congressional Republicans calling for better oversight and regulation of the two GSE’s, and you see Democrats beating back any regulation.

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The Latest Smear: Sarah Palin Wants to Star in Fahrenheit 451

The left in their desperation to tumble the amazing popularity of Governor Sarah Palin is having a blogfest, email spamfest, and googlegasm over a letter from Wasilla Alaska. The letter was written by a Democrat from Wasilla, who is a … Continue reading

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Who Owns the Democrats and the Superdelegates?

Whoever does own the delegates, the Denver Police department doesn’t want us to know. According to ABC news their reporter was arrested covering one of the many high dollar meetings and trying to film the donors while they were leaving. Continue reading

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The One II: The Road to Denver

Early on Obama was billed by journalists as having a tech-savvy media team but so far they aren’t showing it as they fail to counterĀ the McCain camp’s one or more viral videos per day, here’s the latest:

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