Category Archives: Kasey

Best Photo from Yesterday’s Walk

Kasey tends to scare off the wildlife when I walk with her, but yesterday towards the end she got tired and was just walking instead of ranging back and forth in wide swaths, so this brave little bird didn’t flee … Continue reading

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Zombunny Rises

Every Easter the dread Zombunny raises from the grave, and Kasey has to chase him down and kill him again.

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About Those Paper Yard Waste Bags & How Many You Can Put Out in Lenexa

When Kasey and I walk we often stop to talk to neighbors when we see them working in their yards. Usually the conversation revolves around the weather, dogs, or how badly the Chiefs are doing. However since the beginning of … Continue reading

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The Doggie Hatch

My wife and I got tired of Kasey rocketing downstairs and trying to run through the screen door & either ripping it, or knocking it out of the tracks. So we ordered a plastic snap together dog door. We had … Continue reading

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Kasey at the Park

Kasey’s hair gets pretty wild after a few dashes through the weeds.

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Snowstorm Kasey

Kasey during our last snowstorm, she loves the stuff and is already beginning to miss the snow that’s melted the past few days. My back is now ok so I’m back to walking after spate of getting too industrious while … Continue reading

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Kasey Wants to Play

When it’s time to play Kasey is not shy about letting you know — she grabs a toy and comes over and puts her chin on your knee until you get up to chase her up and down stairs and … Continue reading

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Kasey at the Bank

Kasey went for a ride to the bank today, this is how she looked once she figured out that the drive up teller passes out dog biscuits.

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Kasey Helps With Laundry

Kasey just got in from playing in the snow, now she wants to help with the laundry.

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Kasey Sez “Oh Hai”

Kasey Sez “Oh Hai” It’s been a while since a Kasey photo, so here’s one for all of her fans.

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