Monthly Archives: December 2010

What we don’t want to see in 2011

The entertainment industries can become very repetitious — indeed some might characterize their willingness to borrow and steal plot devices, cinematography techniques, and entire story lines in both Television and Movies as one big incestuous circle jerk, but me, I … Continue reading

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Like… wow?

H/T to Roger Ebert for pointing out this brilliant summation of the passive aggressive non-statements and wishy washiness of our present time. Typography from Ronnie Bruce on Vimeo.

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Merry Christmas One and All

To all my friends, fans,  and to all my family I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy, prosperous New Year. We caught a light dust of snow earlier, just in time for it.

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Tonight’s Moon

A picture of tonight’s moon. Taken with a Canon T2-i, 70-300mm IS lens, 100 ISO and 1/400 shutter speed.

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Pradaxa Update

‘m taking a newly approved (September 2010) type of blood thinner called Pradaxa (Dabigatran,) so I’m tracking how it’s going here as well as other places. Continue reading

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Breakfast Pills for Heart Patients

when you are on a blood thinner and trying to get healthy it can complicate things. Since you are more prone to excessive bleeding due to your artificially suppressed clotting factors, exercise that jars your mesentery or other tissues infused with delicate blood vessels overmuch and exercise that puts you in elevated danger of falling are both out. Continue reading

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Primal Nerd Rage: Why I’m an Optimist

Predicting a technology’s future is problematic due to competing technologies, converging technologies, trailing standards bodies, and occasionally poor legislation — and those are just the minor factors. The major factors are the multitude of gaps between new technologies, some unseen … Continue reading

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Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

I ask you friend : what is there if you don’t have tomorrow? What kept you moving past the shittiest day of your life to date? Tomorrow. Why do we keep on going if not for a better tomorrow – … Continue reading

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