Category Archives: Uncategorized

Priest Admits Guilt in Sex Abuse Cover Up, Then Asks Court to throw out charges

In the Philadelphia Archdiocese case Monsignor William Lynn says he’s not guilty because a superior ordered him to destroy the lists of pedophile priests, but that’s merely admitting his guilt and a demonstration that the average priest still thinks that the church’s … Continue reading

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Zarqawi Docs and intel Lead to 759 captures, 104 dead terrorists

There will also be a third thrust — now that the Iraqi forces are proving effective the international media will turn on them. They will become “death sqauds” ill mannered collectives of militias, they will be torturers, and ultimately the more effective the Iraqis become the more they will be maligned. The left hates winners, as has been amply demonstrated throughout both the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns.
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Posted in Blogging, Freedom, Politics, Technology, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Cut and run crowd out in force with Zarqawi’s death

Nancy and the democrats still want to cut and run tomorrow, however the job is not done. Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Freedom, Journalism, Politics, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

100th post, and some administrivia

I just got back from vacation so I have a lot of ground to recover here at work and won’t be posting a lot today. However I did go through and flag all the immigration articles with that tag, you … Continue reading

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