Monthly Archives: August 2008

Code Pink Agitprop Theater

Zombie has another excellent investigative report up at Little Green Footballs, in which he exposes not only Code Pink methods, but also the MSM malfeasance that surrounds it.

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Catching up

Although it appears that I’ve been slacking lately it’s really a case of over-immersion in work. Apologies to long time readers for all the quick posts of videos, which is really sort of cheating. Blogs are driven mostly by orignal … Continue reading

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Campaign Perspective: Is he Ready?

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Moose Party

The Moose heard there was a block party at my sister’s house in Alaska, they decided to stop by and score some free hors d’oeuvres at the neighbors.

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Who Owns the Democrats and the Superdelegates?

Whoever does own the delegates, the Denver Police department doesn’t want us to know. According to ABC news their reporter was arrested covering one of the many high dollar meetings and trying to film the donors while they were leaving. Continue reading

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Tiny? Iran’s Leader Might be “Tiny”

Iran’s leader might be tiny, but that doesn’t make the threat tiny. Other would be world conquerers started out small, and built on success. Hitler, Mussolini, and Bonaparte were all small in stature, but large on destruction. Continue reading

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Burnt Out

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When Apples Blush

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Do You Feel the Tingle?

Dean Barnett at The Weekly Standard has a word about Big Bad Bill who’s been absent the media since the convention started. I bring this up because my mom called and asked “Where’s Bill!?”

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The One II: The Road to Denver

Early on Obama was billed by journalists as having a tech-savvy media team but so far they aren’t showing it as they fail to counter the McCain camp’s one or more viral videos per day, here’s the latest:

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