Monthly Archives: December 2008


EuroStars We identified a bird as a European Starling with the last post, but now a mystery remains. These two were both actually in the same shot and I’ve cropped out the intervening space on the lamp post top so … Continue reading

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Blue Sky and a Two-Tone Beak

Blue Sky and a Two-Tone Beak From across the parking lot this bird looks black, but if you zoom in to see him atop the lamp post then you see he’s multi-hued, speckled, and has a two toned beak. I’m not an … Continue reading

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Don Ross and Andy Mckee – Dolphins

Don Ross and Andy Mckee – Dolphins Time for some tasty counterpoint

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Pakistan Lost

As long as the ruling parties and elites in Pakistan continue to externalize their own problems this death spiral will continue. If they wake up one morning however and say “No, we don’t want to be the next Somalia, we must do something” then there could be some hope, the bird could gain wing and soar again; but in the current contretemps with India over Mumbai I don’t see many signs of that. Continue reading

Posted in The Future | 1 Comment

Test Post

I’m testing a new thing. Standby..   testing twice…   and done. Thanks for your patience. I was testing a mechanism to give single posts their own style, and it works to an extent but causes further problems. I will … Continue reading

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Israel Strikes back

Israel Strikes Back After weeks of missiles and some heavy barrages the past few days Israel has struck back at HAMAS in the Gaza strip for their continual rocket attacks. 200 in Gaza are reported as dead, but since it’s mostly Palestinian … Continue reading

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My Wife Has Monkey Toes

My wife can make her toes into a fist like you can your hand, they are amazingly long and flexible – so this year I got her the appropiate socks. Continue reading

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Forty Years Agone Today

Earthrise Earthrise, 1968

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Jango, Santa’s Ugliest Reindeer

Jango dropped by for a visit tonight, he’s Santa’s ugliest reindeer Continue reading

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Kasey is not Happy as an Elf

Kasey as an Elf Kasey wasn’t as complacent about being an elf as Chewey was about the reindeer outfit. A couple minutes after this was snapped she was tearing around the back yard with the hat in her mouth shaking … Continue reading

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