Tag Archives: Politics

The Case for Marriage Equality: Perry v. Schwarzenegger

The 1967 Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia ended state bans on interracial marriage in the 16 states that still had such laws. Now, 44 years after Loving, the courts are once again grappling with denial of equal marriage rights … Continue reading

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I’m not JD Hayworth and I did not approve this ad…

This is too freaking hilarious not to post… H/Tip Avanti at LGF

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Why I’m Seriously Considering Registering as Democrat

I can’t believe this sad sickness displacing reason within the Republican party. I will never get in bed with Birchers, ever. Anyone Speaking at this convention will receive zero dollars from me, and zero support. In fact, anyone speaking is … Continue reading

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Why I Would Never Run for Office in Kansas

Why I Would Never Run for Office in Kansas I’ve pondered if I should run for office; this because I am a life-long Republican in a red state with strong political opinions and in favor of reasoned action when it … Continue reading

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60 The NRSC has launched a new Youtube ad, 60, which highlights the power the Democrats control now and how the Republican hopes of the balance voters effects coming into heavy play in the 2010 elections. With Campaign kitties low … Continue reading

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Government Motors

Government Motors GM? Today they get their final lifeline… 30 billion more in Taxpayer dollars, but still bankrupt: But the officials said Sunday they would try to steer clear of getting involved in the automaker’s day-to-day operations, though the government … Continue reading

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Pelosi Prevaricates

Pelosi Prevaricates Forty briefings: those squawking the loudest about enhanced interrogation techniques knew about it. If President Bush is a war criminal for this then so is Speaker Pelosi. See the video below where the  hypocrisy abounds:

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Republicans Need New Strategy II: The Shores of Desolation

Our tide has receded and we stand amidst wrack and drying foam upon a desolate shore. What’s next for us? Will we starve and shrink, or can we somehow pull that tide back? Continue reading

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Tigerhawk and Trailmix: Hawking Obama Up

In light of the need to “hawk” Obama up, this does present some more opportunity for Obama to appear strong without large geopolitical ramifications. Continue reading

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Bush Deficit vs Obama Deficit

Bush Deficit vs Obama Deficit Washington Post has a graphic deficit comparison of the two budgets, and Heritage Foundation highlights some of the differences. More on this from Karl Rove at the Wall Street Journal: Last fiscal year, the deficit … Continue reading

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