Tag Archives: house

Rasmussen: Americans Don’t Want House Plan

It’s a cobbled together mess of input from staffers, lobbyists, and NGO’s. If you want to know who put what in the bill go back and look at who took Pelosi and Dingell staffers to lunch during the weeks leading up to the initial drafts being put forth. Continue reading

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Pelosi vs The CIA [with Bond Theme Song]

A funny video send up up Nancy’s lies about the CIA, and her refusal to address the issue. Friday she once again ducked questions on the issue backed by a coterie of other Congresscritters, and then got out of DC as fast as she could… Continue reading

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Lapses in Judgement

To stand up for “Social Justice” you would think that you would need some judgement…  Of course in Obama’s circles, Social Justice is just a code word for Socialism, as you can hear from Obama in this audio clip from … Continue reading

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My Advice to Republicans: Don’t Vote on the Bill Until we Have a New Speaker

Am I angry? No, I am enraged at Pelosi’s speech. It seems intended to politicize this and ensure that there is no fix. The Dems are not happy unless we are all poor victims and the economy is tanking because they are party-power first people.

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Obama 2nd Biggest Recipient of Fannie Mae Money in Last Ten Years

Barack Obama is the second biggest recipient of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac money during the last ten years, and he’s only been in Washington for four years… is this Change, or the same old corruption? Story at Little Green … Continue reading

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The Temple of Taxation

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