Monthly Archives: March 2008

Palestinian Phone and Internet Boiler-room in Gaza Wants to Elect Obama

Yes, it’s true: Obama has the Hamas endorsement. This operation couldn’t go on without Hamas approval as they control every aspect of Gazan life. Continue reading

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Pakistan Update Gilani Knows How to Stir The Pot, But Who’s the Cook?

The tribal elders from Baitullah Mehsud’s region as well as his spokes-puppet, Mullah Umar, are both putting forth the proposition that you can petition the parliament with threats Continue reading

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Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs has inspired me with all of his code tweakage and improvements to his site, so I’m attempting some modest changes myself. The first you might note is larger font size, this one’s purely selfish … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Blogging | 3 Comments

The War Tapes

The War and our efforts in Iraq is what it is, and screw the people right or left who suborn what our military is accomplishing to politics. .

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Mooky Surrenders While the Press Begs Him Not to

The press is full of Nihilistic projections about the south of Iraq, but while they try to make this the “new Tet”, Mooky’s surrendered just before Maliki’s deadline expired. More at Hot Air

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Obama Lies Again; He’s no Reagan

Somehow I can’t picture Obama putting nuclear missiles forward into Afghanistan and staring steely-eyed at the Communist Party in China until Tibet, North Korea, and Myanmar were freed from vassallage to China’s imperialist drive in the Asian Continent Continue reading

Posted in Journalism, Politics | 9 Comments

Karl Rove: The Horns and Tail are Retractable

As they are hauled away the other students applaud and chant “Tase ’em ! Tase ’em! Good, humorous viewing to enjoy with breakfast. Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Politics | 1 Comment

New Government Coalition Settled, Gilani Speech

The final barriers to full coalition in Pakistan have fallen with agreement on ministers, and a historic mark was set with unanimous support from the National Assembly.  Today the new Prime Minister address the joint houses of Government in Pakistan … Continue reading

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Kasie Ponders the Strangeness of Humans

Posted in Art, Blogging | 1 Comment

Hillary: It’s Not Over ’til the Grey Lady Sings

On Fox News last night Hillary Clinton laid out some of her strategy, and it looks like a scorched-earth march through North Carolina to Denver is in the offing. She looks forward to a credentials fight at the convention, and is challenging … Continue reading

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