Monthly Archives: June 2008

Garden Hose Rainbow

Sometimes you get to boring spots on calls during the workday, like when the tendentious melancholy bore drones on for a half hour about what process should be like in their perfect utopian septillion sigma Deming-certified non-existential chairman’s award universe. … Continue reading

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TTP Taliban Re-Declares War on Pakistan

The Civil war in Pakistan has heated up again with assaults on proto-Taliban agents of Mangal Bagh in the Khyber pass (Taliban groups in Pakistan change names as the occasion or the goal allows, and they sub-contract with each other. … Continue reading

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2008 President’s Dinner Address

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Obviously a test of something…

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The Aussie Sleeps Tonight

We-de-de-de De-de-de-de-de De-we-um-um-a-way We-de-de-de De-de-de-de-de We-um-um-a-way A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh A-wimoweh, a wimoweh A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh In the curtain The paisley curtain The Aussie sleeps tonight

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Civil War in Pakistan: Taliban Khyber Offensive Continues

The civil war in Pakistan has heated up, with the brutal Taliban Warlord, Baitullah Mehsud in the lead.Baitullah established his leadership in the Waziristans by a steady campaign of brief offensives, assasinations of opposition leaders, and intermittent peaces with the … Continue reading

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Amish Save Children Through Genetic Science

This video is counter point to the previous post on faith healing. Here you see people of a deeply conservative faith willing to use science because they value life first. .

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Undersea Volcanoes Thinned Arctic Ice Cap

Whether you think they thinned it a little, or thinned it a lot it is undeniable that the the massive undersea volcanoes deep under the Ice Cap had some effect. The story itself is just coming out here and here, … Continue reading

Posted in Science | 1 Comment

Today’s McCain Ad is About Energy

Posted in Energy, Politics | 1 Comment

Don’t Tell Me Words Don’t Matter

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