Monthly Archives: November 2009

Evening Moonrise

Evening Moonrise The last two were taken with auto settings, the first was taken with a focal point of the moon itself and with a 1/125 speed, please click on the thumbnails to see the full size and quality.

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Teach the Controversy!

Teach the Controversy! Today’s tongue in cheek video humor comes from NCSE:

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The Dark Side of the Moon

The Dark Side of the Moon Here’s a long exposure photo of tonight’s moon, the bright half is what you see with the naked eye, but it’s all over exposed. The dark side is visible however, and a nimbus of … Continue reading

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Bare Trees

The trees are bare of leaves, however the squirrels are still finding plenty of acorns; when Kasey isn’t paying attention they sneak into the yard and up the trees.

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Veteran’s Day 2009, Thanks To All Who Served

Veteran’s Day 2009, Thanks To All Who Served 11/11/2009: Veteran’s day celebrates those who have served in all wings of our military services. My thanks and appreciation go out to all of them.

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Ft Hood Shooter Connected to Radicals

Ft Hood Shooter Connected to Radicals Charles has a great update here, and many more indicators have come to light that the Fort Hood shootings were an act of terror similar to the recent recruitment center shootings.

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A Bittersweet Day in History

A Bittersweet Day in History Today in Germany they prepare to celebrate the fall of the Berlin wall, but it is also the anniverary of Krystallnacht. Here is part one of the History Channel Documentary on Krystallnacht

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The Berlin Wall: A Retrospective on Escape Attempts and Construction Phases

The Berlin Wall: A Retrospective on Escape Attempts and Construction Phases This forty five minute episode of Megastructures covers the Berlin wall and the history of some of the amazing escapes from the totalitarian tyranny of East Berlin.

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The 11/3 Project

The 11/3 Project Jon Stewart nails the conspiracy against Glen Beck; you know who didn’t answer medical questions? Hitler! The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The 11/3 Project Daily Show Full Episodes Political … Continue reading

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The Far Shore in Autumn

The Far Shore in Autumn A picture across the lake at Shawnee Mission Park. To the right but out of the photo is the dog beach where people train retrievers and other water dogs. Click on the thumbnail for the … Continue reading

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