Monthly Archives: March 2012

2012 Redbud Riot

It’s time for the annual redbud blooming photo – so here it is: I’m also challenging myself to learn aperture, lighting, and exposure settings better even though my camera does it automatically. I’ve set to Av mode on the Canon … Continue reading

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Big things have Small Beginnings: Prometheus – Official Full HD Trailer – Ridley Scott

In the distant future, two superpowers control Earth and fight each other for all the solar system’s natural resources. When one side dispatches a team to a distant planet to terraform it for human colonization, the team discovers an indigenous … Continue reading

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Happy Dog on a Spring Day

Nothing says Spring like blurry photos taken through a fogged lens with your camera phone. Kasey doesn’t seem to care that her photo isn’t quite going to turn out.

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Under grey leaden skies

The rift between two Spring storms allowed me to get a quick walk in today, and I got a good shot of a neighbor’s tree where flowers bloom in seeming spite of the cold grey rain. I’ve also developed a … Continue reading

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NASA Response to Crazy 2012 Claims

NASA JPL "Reality Check" on all those wacky ideas surrounding the upcoming shift in the ancient Mayan calendar. Our favorite is the planet "Nibiru" that’s said to be hurtling into the solar system on its way to Earth. via NASA … Continue reading

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You Know it’s Spring

You know it’s Spring when you burn new car disc CD’s, when the grass starts to green and trees bud like mad. You know it’s Spring when you leave the windows open all night and the furnace off, when you … Continue reading

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The arrogance of being thick as a brick

Uncertainty, something to be both humble and proud of & if that seems like cognitive dissonance, please watch DPRJONES’s video before you conclude that with finality.
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