Monthly Archives: August 2006

Environmentalists Lied – People Died!

To help you achieve that please go to your kitchen cabinet now, get out he Reynold’s wrap and construct a tin-foil hat. This is a necessary implement to block out intrusive things such as critical thinking, reality, and reason; alternately if you are lazy and don’t want to construct a hat you can just take a lot of drugs instead like many in the left do when faced with reality. Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Energy, Freedom, Politics, Science, The Future | 2 Comments

That San Francisco Thing

If you want a rundown on that San Francisco thing, the best facts are here, and pics are at Gateway Pundit. I am going to refrain from commenting on motive simply because I got burned jumping to conclusions here. This … Continue reading

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Media Callousness, a Tale of Horror from India

This is a tale of a burning man, told with clarity on Suhasini Haid-Ar’s blog at IBN in India. It demonstrates the extreme distance some journalists put themselves from conscience and morals. Please do not follow this link nor read the sad tale if you are faint of heart. I for one will not sleep easy tonight. Continue reading

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Non-Nuclear ICBM’s Update III

Wiki news and others are reporting on Donald Rumsfeld’s recent urging of using ICBM’s with conventional war-heads. You’ve been reading it here since April, but essentially this sets up the capability to strike Iran’s nuclear enrichment factories fully, it gives us the capability to … Continue reading

Posted in Technology | 1 Comment

For a Chuckle

Please stop by Planck’s Constant for a hilarious remake of a classic comedy skit — Hu’s on First.

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Iranian Repression and Torture Continues

In earlier articles here you’ve seen a steady campaign of tightening repression in Iran. They have imprisoned some dissidents, hung others, shelled Kurd and Balochi villages, tightened internet filtering, and taken down satellite dishes across the country. Gateway Pundit has … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Politics | 2 Comments

The Death of an Evil Man

Use of terror, coercion, and murder of innocents always defeats a cause, no matter how worthy, and in the history books centuries from now these men will all be in the evil column together, and the causes and beliefs they fight for will be the forgotten dust blown off the pages. At the bottom of this all we really have a strong man trying to control the gas and oil wealth of a region. Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Politics | 2 Comments

Iran Tests Sub to Surface Missile From Persian Gulf

These are the two variants that meet the description provided the media by Iran, and the two that are capable of being launched from a submarine. Of the two, the second appears most dangerous, I am still suspicious that they would test with a target only a mile away. Continue reading

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FOX Reporters Freed Forced to Convert To Islam

The Religion of Peace wins false converts with guns. Strong faiths do not need guns to win real converts. If this continues over time muslims will not have to worry about a potentential backlash, there will be a real backlash. Continue reading

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Binary Liquid Explosives Do Work

In the UK Register we have a very authoritative appearing article spouting all the myths about binary liquid explosives. Authoritative sounding when it’s not sneering and joking about mass murder that is. Continue reading

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