Monthly Archives: November 2014

Brad Smith and Jonathan Zittrain on Privacy, Surveillance, and Rebuilding Trust in Tech

Some key concepts come up in this discussion of trust and corporate principles in the Post Snowden age of the internet. Pay attentions to Microsoft’s conclusions on when to redirect government subpoenas and when to deny extraterritorial requests. “…but secret … Continue reading

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Vemödalen: The Fear That Everything Has Already Been Done

So I have this feeling often while taking photos — and then I try to do something different, but actually doing something different that’s not been done before is exceedingly rare because … 7 billion. Let me repeat that: Seven … Continue reading

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Net Neutrality’s Biggest Fan: Justice Scalia

One of the key arguments in the brand X case was that broadband providers didn’t just offer transmission, but also packaged information services such as e-mail, and thus were information providers. However you then have to ask what’s the essential … Continue reading

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If You Use SSL 3.0, it’s Time to Migrate Off

Google’s getting ready to phase out SSL 3.0 in Chrome 39 due to it’s vulnerability to “man in the middle” attacks like those presented by Poodle. If they are going there, then you need to move as well. While Google’s … Continue reading

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