Tag Archives: Alaska

Mt. McKinley

Mt. McKinley I know it’s supposed to be “Denali” now, but I grew up calling it Mt. McKinley, and I’m not going to change that. This was taken from a moving train, so it’s not the best photo of the … Continue reading

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Anchorage to Fairbanks on the Denali Star

Anchorage to Fairbanks on the Denali Star Here’s a bunch of photos I took on the trip compressed in photoshop, then again by uploading to Youtube. If you see one you like pause it quick because each lasts a second … Continue reading

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Glacier Overflight

Glacier Overflight While flying up to Alaska we saw quite a few signs of past glaciation in the Rockies, everything from hanging cirques, to tarns, to moraines in the plains leading to the mountains. It wasn’t until we got further … Continue reading

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Three Ring Alaskan Political Circus; Weasel-Eyed Joe

Since it’s Saturday it’s time for some Political Humor with the following two videos: Then there was the humorous send up of what Weasel-Eyed Joe might say in the debate, I got tied up at work and missed this one:

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Wasilla Public Library on Sarah Palin: No banned books … EVER

On the left they are trying to paint Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as a warmongering end-of-days rabid Christian dominionist, and one of their sallies is to say that she tried to ban books. I happen to know who and … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin Interview

The claptrap going around the left right now is that Sarah Palin doesn’t interview, which is completely wrong if you look at the archives of the Anchorage Daily News. Here’s a previous interview she did with PBS. Perhaps if the … Continue reading

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The Latest Smear: Sarah Palin Wants to Star in Fahrenheit 451

The left in their desperation to tumble the amazing popularity of Governor Sarah Palin is having a blogfest, email spamfest, and googlegasm over a letter from Wasilla Alaska. The letter was written by a Democrat from Wasilla, who is a … Continue reading

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Meghan Kelly Rips US Magazine Over Sarah Palin Story

Please also note that US magazine is owned by Rolling Stone, who has sent thousands to the Barack Obama Campaign. UPDATE: Robert Bidinotto is running through the smorgasboard of smears against Sarah Palin and countering them as the left goes deranged … Continue reading

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Biden Voted Against the Trans Alaska Pipeline

Sarah Palin is very eloquent and convincing in this argument against the Obama/Biden energy plan, please watch the entire interview — she covers a host of salient points. Continue reading

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Catching up

Although it appears that I’ve been slacking lately it’s really a case of over-immersion in work. Apologies to long time readers for all the quick posts of videos, which is really sort of cheating. Blogs are driven mostly by orignal … Continue reading

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