Monthly Archives: March 2009

Sun Through Icy Trees

Sun Through Icy Trees I took this the other morning when the snow was heavy on the ice-sheathed oak, here you see the sun peeking through. As always, click on the thumbnail to see larger size and detail.

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Is Worldwide Islamic Terror on the Ebb?

Is Worldwide Islamic Terror on the Ebb? There’s certainly no dearth of terror events to report from Pakistan, the Mid-east, Afghanistan, Thailand, Indonesia, Iraq, etc. in any given week, however there are now single days without a report of Islamic … Continue reading

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Frozen Redbuds

Frozen Redbuds It started as rain, changed to sleet, then ice, then sleet again, and now it’s snowing in Kansas. Now at home, a bit later the redbuds are all coated in snow.

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Clouds in Our Wake

Clouds in Our Wake Sometimes you miss the bad weather and sometimes it catches you. Tonight a cold rain is falling that will turn to ice and sleet tomorrow in the early morn. I liked these clouds much better than … Continue reading

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Our Good Friend Thaad

Our Good Friend Thaad h/t Mckittrick

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The Rise of Zombunny

Zombunny Rises We got Kasey a new toy, and she killed it. Shortly after it rose from it’s earthen grave — an undead terror called Zombunny! (click on the thumbnail to enlarge and see the true horror…)

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Rites of Spring

Rites of Spring It happens every Spring, all of the moonbat socialists and communists hold demonstrations. Ringo the Gringo has a great photo essay of the annual ANSWER sponsored anti-war march in LA, please stop by for a visit.

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Bush Deficit vs Obama Deficit

Bush Deficit vs Obama Deficit Washington Post has a graphic deficit comparison of the two budgets, and Heritage Foundation highlights some of the differences. More on this from Karl Rove at the Wall Street Journal: Last fiscal year, the deficit … Continue reading

Posted in Journalism, Politics | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Curious Bird

Curious Bird Found this Robin hanging out by my mailbox which tells me that I probably have a patch of grubs or something…

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Spring Sky

Spring Sky The Astros are looking pretty good this year, today they are smoking the Mets in a game where they made three DP’s. Here’s a seasonal photo for Spring. Update: The Astros won 8-0 after turningĀ  a fourth double … Continue reading

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