Monthly Archives: May 2010

Why I’m an Optimist: Large Scale Macro Trends

So it is that I am a confident optimist based on the past example of our long history. Whatever pratfalls, missteps, and tumbles that humanity has taken we have always managed to dust off and carry on with the journey after. As we witness one of those pratfalls that will become the biggest environmental disaster since we started recording them in the Gulf of Mexico I am also confident that over time the problem can be overcome Continue reading

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Hunters After the Storm

The birds were on the hunt for bugs and worms after the rainstorm the other day. Continue reading

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Environmental Disaster

Here are a series of time lapse photos that show the growth and extent of the Gulf oil lead from NASA satellites Terra and Aqua Continue reading

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The Rise of Skynet Might be Closer than you Think

This is a great technical achievement using off the shelf consumer parts. If “The Graduate” were remade today the one word would be “Robotics” not “Plastics”…

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May’s End Moon

Here is tonight’s moon, taken with the T2, enjoy. Remember click the thumbnail to embiggen… A bit blurrier than normal, the wind’s a bit stiff tonight, which makes it hard to get a good shot in low light even with … Continue reading

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Higher Dimensions- Speculation and Ideas from Brian Greene

This will make you think; and we all certainly need to do more of that. More : To learn more about String Theory, watch Brian Greene’s “The Elegant Universe” on NOVA: Also see Brian Greene’s book on String Theory … Continue reading

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Frankenputer Streaming Media Server: It Lives

I got tired of having fifteen different flavors of media (pictures, movies, songs, home videos, bought videos, etc. etc. etc.) that all required different devices or different cables or some widget or wadget to display, hear, or print. Continue reading

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Envision: Art Video

Here’s a very colorful art video hosted at Vimeo, enjoy. ENVISION : Step into the sensory box from SUPERBIEN on Vimeo.

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The Squinx

If you answer his riddle correctly he allows you to pass. “I never was, am always to be, No one ever saw me, nor ever will And yet I am the confidence of all To live and breathe on this … Continue reading

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Springtime: Race to Bloom

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