Monthly Archives: February 2008

Bolshevism in America: Evil Walks the Streets of Berkeley

. . These are the people the Berkeley City Council supports over our Marines. Photo Credit Zombie, from

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Zawahiri Dead? Updated

Yesterday evening I reported that we might have gotten Ayman Al Zawahiri in a morning missile strike in Pakistan due to a snippet of information from The Nation. The story named the house hit, the owner, and detailed that it … Continue reading

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Did We Get Zawahiri This Morning?

Exact identity and strength of the foreigners killed in the incident has not yet been determined, but the locals informed that they were either from Arab countries or Central Asia. An Al-Qaeda fugitive from Egypt is also reported to be among them. Continue reading

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William F. Buckley RIP; William F. Buckley Lives in Us

. Forgive me if you will for the title paraphrase of “The King is Dead; Long Live the King”, but it is truly fitting for the passing of the father and king of modern conservatism. William F. Buckley passed from this … Continue reading

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Deoband Fatwa Against Terrorism: Waffle-Ironed

My overall verdict on this? As Fatwas against Terrorism go this falls completely off the scale into the “not fit to wipe hog’s butts with” category. Continue reading

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British Hostage Video Airs on Al Arabiya

A new video of a British hostage aired on Al Arabiya today, from the Telegraph: The bearded captive, who appears healthy, calls for the UK to free Iraqi prisoners in return for the men’s release, in the clip broadcast by … Continue reading

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Crows Home to Roost V: Deoband Scholars Condemn Terror

At a summit of Islamic Scholars 20,000 strong in India even the Deoband scholars signed the declaration condemning terror. There’s more to this than just a show, as terror now haunts the Islamic world. It is threatening their madrassa structure, … Continue reading

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Four Stone Walls

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Top Taliban Leader Re-Arrested in Lahore

Taliban Defense Minister, and Friend of bin Laden, Arrested … Again Don’t you just love the revolving door that Pakistan has for the Taliban? It’s being reported that Mullah Obaidullah Akhund has been arrested by the Pakistanis … for a … Continue reading

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Let the Strength of Peace Run Through This Land

I know I can never return To the time of hope when I was born Let the strength of peace run through my hand When we walk away from the stone’s roar Then I will be afraid no more And now … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Politics, Space, Technology, The Future | 3 Comments