Tag Archives: liar

Pelosi vs The CIA [with Bond Theme Song]

A funny video send up up Nancy’s lies about the CIA, and her refusal to address the issue. Friday she once again ducked questions on the issue backed by a coterie of other Congresscritters, and then got out of DC as fast as she could… Continue reading

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Pelosi Prevaricates

Pelosi Prevaricates Forty briefings: those squawking the loudest about enhanced interrogation techniques knew about it. If President Bush is a war criminal for this then so is Speaker Pelosi. See the video below where the  hypocrisy abounds:

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Sayyid Imam Calls Zawahiri a Liar and Cursed Before God

In a book being published serially, Sayyid Imam points out the lies and double-dealing of Ayman Al Zawhari, and challenges him to a cursing before God. See here at Jihadica, partial list below: Zawahiri repeatedly says I wrote the Document [the … Continue reading

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Obama is Just an Ordinary Politician

Now that people are actually paying attention to who and what Obama is the glamour is fading, and the press cannot maintain it anymore. Underneath it all he’s just another ordinary politician. Ordinary in that he’s willing to lie to … Continue reading

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Biden Lied

The title says it all, fourteen times, here’s one of the more egregious whoppers debunked on Tape: h/t LGF also see “Biden’s Lies, the short list“. Also note this from Michael Totten, who is also somewhat expert on the area: In … Continue reading

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