Monthly Archives: November 2011

Post Modern Me

According to my results in the Pew survey talked about in the video below I fall into the “Post Modern” category of political typology. I owe how I got here to a strange progression of revelations over the past few … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving Waste

It’s day four and we are almost turkeyed out. The Kids took two glad tubs of [Dinosauria Saurischia  Therapoda Paraves Avilae Aves *] turkey away, and we’ve made plates and sandwiches from the two birds we cooked for the last three days … Continue reading

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R. Crumb – The Complete Record Cover Collection

Fans of music and the underground era genius of Robert Crumb may well love the new R. Crumb: The Complete Record Cover Collection book that brings together more than 450 four-color illustrations of the man’s album cover artwork. It started … Continue reading

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Climategate mark 2 — the quotes and the context

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Perry Signs an Evangelical Pledge

To run in the GOP you have to oppose gay marriage: In an effort to woo evangelical voters in Iowa, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas has become the third Republican presidential candidate to sign a pledge to oppose gay marriage, … Continue reading

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Morality Part III from Qualia Soup

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Veteran’s Day 2011

A post for my dad, thanks for all you’ve done.

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Leaves today, gone tomorrow, here again another day

Today is one of those days I will race to get the leaves up before the next batch of cold and rain arrives tonight. It’s really a Sisyphean task, but if I get too many layers of wet leaves it makes a … Continue reading

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House panderfest reaffirms ‘In God We Trust’ as US motto

“In God We Trust” became the national motto back in the fifties during the red scare days, but the nimrods in the GOP decided it was more important to re affirm this motto (that’s really an unconstitutional smack in the … Continue reading

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