Category Archives: Art

Wild Nothing – Letting Go

“Letting Go” is the first single from Wild Nothing’s forthcoming album, ‘Indigo’ Continue reading

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Deadpool 2 – Trailer

Deadpool 2 | The Trailer – YouTube

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Future Islands — Ran

Future Islands has a new album dropping in April, here’s the traditional pre release tune for your enjoyment Continue reading

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Signs of Spring

The overnights and mornings here have been cold, dipping to near freezing, but our days have been temperate and things are growing. The hillsides are reaching that green haze point – that day when they seem to have a green … Continue reading

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Yesterday it got into the forties in the afternoon so Kasey & I snuck in a walk.

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Vemödalen: The Fear That Everything Has Already Been Done

So I have this feeling often while taking photos — and then I try to do something different, but actually doing something different that’s not been done before is exceedingly rare because … 7 billion. Let me repeat that: Seven … Continue reading

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Blood Moon

Here’s a gallery of moon shots from this morning. Just for reference here’s a normal, no clouds in sky, everything done perfect moon shot from September of last year:

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Crop Factor with ISO & Aperture: How Sony, Olympus & Panasonic Cheat You

Here’s my PSA for today – if you buy one of those small sensor mirror less digital cameras or any other crop factor sensor camera then you really need to pay attention to the math & logic in this video … Continue reading

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Welcome to the new Host

My blog is now moved over to Hosting Matters due to their “all you can eat for under 12 bucks” hosting deal that I really couldn’t refuse. This is the first real post at the newly moved blog & at … Continue reading

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Overnight Rain

This morning there was a lot of water flowing down the creek from the overnight rains, so I had to do one of those water rushing by shots.

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