Monthly Archives: June 2009

Sun and Moon

Sun and Moon The sun this afternoon and tonight’s moon, these were both shot with the Canon at medium size so the detail might not be as high as you are used to if you come here often:

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But would you pay for it?

But would you pay for it? This CNN segment cuts to the essentials of the health care and cap and trade bill debates:

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Anchorage to Fairbanks on the Denali Star

Anchorage to Fairbanks on the Denali Star Here’s a bunch of photos I took on the trip compressed in photoshop, then again by uploading to Youtube. If you see one you like pause it quick because each lasts a second … Continue reading

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Honduran Coup

Honduran Coup There’s been a coup this morning in Honduras against one of Hugo Chavez’s allies, President Zelaya. Normally I don’t care for military coups, but this one appears to be enforcing current court decisions and their constitution over a … Continue reading

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Dandelion This was taken with an entry level Canon DSLR and a 70-300mm zoom lens.

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Cap and Tax Under Hot Debate

Cap and Tax Under Hot Debate Update: The bill passed 219-212 The Waxman-Markey Cap and Tax bill is under hot debate on the house floor right now, the bill will introduce a huge hidden energy tax to middle class americans, … Continue reading

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What’s New

What’s New We’ve just returned from a family reunion in Fairbanks, Alaska — the get together was great and seeing all of my family again was wonderful. We had planned to hit the Midnight Sun Game, but we talked too … Continue reading

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Glacier Overflight

Glacier Overflight While flying up to Alaska we saw quite a few signs of past glaciation in the Rockies, everything from hanging cirques, to tarns, to moraines in the plains leading to the mountains. It wasn’t until we got further … Continue reading

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Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans Here’s a pair of Trumpeter swans I photographed from the Alaska RR train enroute to Mt. McKinley (AKA Mt. Denali) As always, click on the thumbnail for more detail, more photos from our journey to come this week.

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Kasey Fur

Kasey Fur Here’s a close up of Kasey’s fur, if you look close you can see some blue green highlights. She doesn’t use dye. I’ll be extremely busy the next week, with only rare chances to pop in so comments … Continue reading

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