Monthly Archives: August 2010

Don Ross & Jimmy Wahlsteen: “It’s Your Favourite”

Don Ross set up a youtube channel today, and here’s a great vid from it. Don’s youtube channel is here.

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Speaking of Andy Prieboy

Somewhere in the basement I still have an Eye Protection EP with “Elroy Jetson” on it… Andy put some new songs out at the end of July that you can sample over here…

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Friday Morning Hodgepodge

Here’s a Friday hodge podge of updates. Since Glen Beck is picking this weekend instead of the three day Labor Day weekend seven days later for his Teaparty rally you have to wonder if he’s not just targeting that day … Continue reading

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Frankenputer lives Again

The new Motherboard worked, and the Frankenputer media monster now lives again, however I’m in process of reloading Windows 7 anyway since the BIOS and PS are different and I want to enable their advanced capabilities. Update: all is reloaded … Continue reading

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Frankenputer Chronicles III

In previous episodes you saw the genesis of Frankenputer, but in this one you find that he has died. That’s right, something is wrong with the server and it won’t even do a POST . That’s indicative of a power, … Continue reading

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The Median is not the Message

Stephen Jay Gould’s encounter with cancer, and the statistics thereof. Continue reading

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Flowers by the Moon – Reign of Kindo

Here’s a cut from Reign of Kindo’s new album, “This is What Happens” [amazon-product align=”center”]B003UBYNX6[/amazon-product]

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Gohmert Pyle Yells at Anderson Cooper

Terror babies! Oh Noes! Continue reading

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Chickens Spin

Chickens can spin, and if you spin them above coals….

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That Mosque Problem

The new group to hate for bigots in the US is Muslims — you can see it all across the country, and if we end up with institutionalized and accepted hatred of Muslims as our norm then the terrorists on … Continue reading

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