Monthly Archives: April 2006

Brilliant not so smart

It’s campaign season, and the dirty tricks are starting already at Wikipedia. See the Fox news story here. “My campaign manager Morton Brilliant, who is responsible for all the work in my office, has offered me his resignation and I … Continue reading

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The Immigration debate is on

  Here are Senator Bill Frist’s comments on Illegal Immigration in Podcast, and here are the written comments at the Volpac blog — you can see how the sentiment is running. A quote from Senator Bill Frist: We are a nation of … Continue reading

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Libs and Loons

It seems that local issues have now come to the forefront — LA Mayor figures out how to do math: 294 Million Americans, 11 million Illegal Immigrants who can’t vote (except in democratically controlled precints… like California. ) hrmmm maybe he’ll … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Science | 2 Comments

Will Spirit and Opportunity make it through the cold of winter?

While you are at the beach or enjoying a ball-game this summer, please keep Spirit and Opportunity in mind, and hope they make it through the winter. Story here.

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The Last Bloody Century

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all convictions, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. – Yeats  **WARNING: Contains graphic pictures of the results of ultimate evil. Do not continue … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Journalism, Politics | 2 Comments

When government fails, citizens rise

This is an election year, mid-term for many congressmen and senators — you can expect the rhetoric to steadily ratchet up between now and November, but with National issues there are only three that will carry through to November & … Continue reading

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School-bus Nagin disallows trailer trash by his gated communities

Another episode in the FEMA trailer drama, School Bus Nagin finally allows some trailers in after a stern talk from Chertov. In an excellent article, Von Mises institute explains better than I did last night why Congress is responsible for … Continue reading

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Oil burning you up?

There you are reading this, fuming mad about the forty bucks it took you to fill your tank on the way home… and looking for someone to blame. Big oil is not to blame. The biggest oil company in America, … Continue reading

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Body Armor Debate

This is from an email from my dad, a Viet Nam veteran who usually doesn’t vent about things unless they are important, so I thought I better share this one with all. Thanks again for the two tours Dad, I … Continue reading

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Alas Babylon

This via Jerry Pournelle’s UK correspondent, Roland Dobbins. In an act of at least partial contrition, an officer in charge of the US military occupation of Babylon in 2003 and 2004 has offered to make a formal apology for the … Continue reading

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