Category Archives: Environment

Wingnut Predicted New Ice Ages that Never Happened

In which Peter Hadfield, aka Potholer54 tracks the November 2018 claims back to sources, and shows how wrong they are in their interpretation of the data regarding the new Solar Grand Minimum. He also does a great job of looking … Continue reading

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A CONSERVATIVE solution to global warming (Part 1)

Political Correctness in the Republican party consists of denying that global warming exists, or that it’s man made, or that it’s impact to our children’s futures and our nation won’t be monumental. These denials come in the face of science … Continue reading

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Merchants of Doubt: What Climate Deniers Learned from Big Tobacco

How professional sowers of doubt moved from issue to issue: tobacco, energy, climate. Merchants of Doubt: What Climate Deniers Learned from Big Tobacco – YouTube.

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Richard Muller: I Was Wrong on Climate Change – YouTube

Muller was a go to guy for many climate deniers the last decade, so it’s nice that he’s finally discovered that the Malankovitch cycle, vulcanism, and other half baked theories of global warming are wrong, and that only CO2 accounts … Continue reading

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Mann and Rahmstorf on IPCC 2013

There’s not room for doubt or argument any longer. ? Mann and Rahmstorf on IPCC 2013 – YouTube.

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No Slowdown in Global Warming

Peter Sinclair on the recent media storm purporting that Global Warming has somehow slowed or stopped.

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Arctic Ice Breaks Up in Beaufort Sea Back in March

A series of intense storms in the Arctic has caused fracturing of the sea ice around the Beaufort Sea along the northern coasts of Alaska and Canada. High-resolution imagery from the Suomi NPP satellite shows the evolution of the cracks … Continue reading

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The Truth About Global Warming – Science & Distortion – Stephen Schneider

Some of the very same people who were telling people that there weren’t relationships between lung cancer and tobacco use are the ones now telling us that global warming doesn’t matter. Please watch, and get mad – I don’t want … Continue reading

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About Those Paper Yard Waste Bags & How Many You Can Put Out in Lenexa

When Kasey and I walk we often stop to talk to neighbors when we see them working in their yards. Usually the conversation revolves around the weather, dogs, or how badly the Chiefs are doing. However since the beginning of … Continue reading

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A New Climate State: Arctic Sea Ice 2012

A new video produced by independent videographer Peter Sinclair for The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media explains what expert scientists now find to be the lowest extent of Arctic sea ice in recorded history. via A New Climate … Continue reading

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