Category Archives: The Future

Posts about the Future

Ethical Design in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

However our information aggregation and distillation AI’s work behind the scenes in murky fashion, uncontrolled by user inputs and they affect humanity’s direction right now. Continue reading

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Senator Incitatus

they are the sort of lies a conceited paranoid twit would tell to shore up his self worth Continue reading

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Facebook Biometric Snooping Called Illegal By LISA KLEIN

Noteworthy news on the privacy front: By Lisa Klein, Courthouse News Service: Facebook violated its users’ privacy to acquire the largest privately held stash of biometric face-recognition data in the world, a class action claims in Chancery Court. Lead plaintiff … Continue reading

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Bruce Schneier’s Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World

Here’s a great Berkman panel discussing Bruce Schneier’s new book that zig-zags back and forth on which is worse – big data, or big government snooping. via Bruce Schneier’s Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and … Continue reading

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Merchants of Doubt: What Climate Deniers Learned from Big Tobacco

How professional sowers of doubt moved from issue to issue: tobacco, energy, climate. Merchants of Doubt: What Climate Deniers Learned from Big Tobacco – YouTube.

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Richard Muller: I Was Wrong on Climate Change – YouTube

Muller was a go to guy for many climate deniers the last decade, so it’s nice that he’s finally discovered that the Malankovitch cycle, vulcanism, and other half baked theories of global warming are wrong, and that only CO2 accounts … Continue reading

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A New Year’s Resolution Challenge for All – Always Augment Your Intelligence

In this millenium why shouldn’t you Google, ask Siri, or Alexa, almost anything just to double check? Why wouldn’t you augment your intelligence with the biggest brain and knowledge base on the planet: the Internet? Please take a New Year’s resolution to start asking Google and Siri more, start augmenting your feeble human intelligence, in this coming year stop handicapping your brains friends. Continue reading

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Brad Smith and Jonathan Zittrain on Privacy, Surveillance, and Rebuilding Trust in Tech

Some key concepts come up in this discussion of trust and corporate principles in the Post Snowden age of the internet. Pay attentions to Microsoft’s conclusions on when to redirect government subpoenas and when to deny extraterritorial requests. “…but secret … Continue reading

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The Internet of Things Is More Than Just a Bunch of Refrigerators

Harvard Business Review covers the internet of things, but everyone is probably wondering what the heck is meant when people say that. The (with a capital T and capital I) Internet of things is all of the public accessible things … Continue reading

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Apple IOS 8 adds extensions for IoT

The new IOS extensions are Apple’s way of trying to meld their walled garden gear into the Internet of things. Essentially Apple has to poke more holes in the garden walls if they want their devices to stay relevant and … Continue reading

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