Author Archives: Thanos


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Test Post

This post to test blue sky and Mastodon embeds First a Blue Sky skeet: Next a Mastodon post:

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Home Medical device shortfall

Over ten years ago I wrote about how home medical sensors would become common in the next decade and while that’s become true, there are several shortcomings to how the current sets and suites work. Nobody has yet created the … Continue reading

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Wingnut Predicted New Ice Ages that Never Happened

In which Peter Hadfield, aka Potholer54 tracks the November 2018 claims back to sources, and shows how wrong they are in their interpretation of the data regarding the new Solar Grand Minimum. He also does a great job of looking … Continue reading

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The Police, the System, and the Protests

John Oliver covers the police brutality against the protesters, the system that created it, and how they seem to always get away with it.

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Joe Biden: Trump Put The Country In A Terrible Spot By Failing To Act

Stephen Colbert with an extended interview with Joe Biden, presumptive democrat nominee for president. The horrific corona virus response is covered, and Joe covers plans to tackle the pandemic when he gets in office.

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Don’t mess with Pamela Karlan, she lays out exactly why Trump must be impeached.

KARLAN: “Imagine living in a part of Texas that’s prone to devastating flooding. What would you think if your governor asked for a meeting w/POTUS to discuss getting disaster aid that Congress has provided for [and POTUS] said, ‘I would like you to do us a favor?'” Continue reading

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Tucker Carlson goes All in for Putin

First here’s the crazy clip that has everyone talking: You know things are bad when even Fucking Frank Luntz recognizes that the GOP ship of state has fully capsized.  Of course later in his show Tucker Carlson recants, pretending he … Continue reading

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Representative Adam Schiff Sums it all Up.

My hat’s off to Chairman Schiff for all of the great work but also for this impassioned close. Continue reading

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That Smell, Can’t you Smell that Smell?

the GOP is going to pretend that it’s ok, that it’s somehow normal, nothing to see here, these aren’t the droids Continue reading

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