Monthly Archives: September 2007

Star Wars Works

President Reagans’ dream of an America secure from Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) made another step towards becoming reality today in a successful test of mid-flight interception – something critics in the 80’s said couldn’t be done. From AP: An intercontinental … Continue reading

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 What is it? Click on the thumbnail (522k)

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In Memory of Nadia Anjuman

In Memory of Nadia Anjuman Escape (Gul-e Dudi) Our hearts are tired of pain and poverty Finally we became lost in the dust and darkness We are going now and won’t return a second time It is such a pleasure … Continue reading

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Al Tunisi Dead

Al Tunisi, one of the Al Qaeda big fish still in Iraq is now dead, and with this successful operation AQ in Iraq is in dire strait and pretty much leaderless for the moment. Below B.G. Joseph Anderson gives the run down of Al Tunisi’s import, and the lead up to his demolition Continue reading

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Pakistan Supreme Court Dismisses Challenges to Musharraf’s Bid

The Pakistan Supreme court dismissed the challenges to President Pervez Musharraf running for president again while still in uniform, and yesterday he filed for the election coming October 6. Some opposition parties resigned in protest, however his bloc of votes is likely still large enough to gain him re-election. Continue reading

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Video of Burmese Demonstrations and Gunfire

Smuggled footage of the demonstrations in Burma against the Military Junta, SLORC. … Sorry folks, the video got taken down.

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Clinton Campaign Kills Negative GQ Article

In their latest squelching of information the Clintons killed a negative article on Hillary’s Campaign in GQ by threatening to withdraw cooperation for a separate article with Bill Clinton. Continue reading

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Burma Junta Raids Temples, Beats and Arrests Monks

In a pre-dawn raid Burmese military Junta forces raided two temples, beating and arresting monks. Continue reading

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MSNBC Reporting That We Missed Bin Laden at Tora Bora

MSNBC is reporting that the recent assault on Tora Bora was an attempt to get Osama Bin Laden, or Ayman Al Zawahiri, or HVT1 and HVT2 as the intel agencies label them. Continue reading

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Bin Laden’s Mentor Turns on Him

Osama Bin Laden’s mentor has turned on him, in essence saying that he is not fighting a holy war, or jihad, but instead is waging an unholy war against society (Hirabah,) in Dar Al Islam, the lands ruled by Islam. Continue reading

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