Monthly Archives: March 2010

New siRNA Nanobot Cancer Treatment

In the new Nature there’s a paper on a recent study of attacking cancers with siRNA (small interfering Ribonucleic Acid strand) Nano-bots that looks very promising. More here: Short sequences of RNA that can effectively turn off specific genes have … Continue reading

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Havasu Moon

We are in Lake Havasu right now packing up mom after her cancer treatment, and we will be hitting the road to ferry her back home and to her second round of treatments later this week. (After two full rounds … Continue reading

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Fresh Prints of Kansas

Fresh Prints of Kansas…

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Winter Woodpecker Gallery

We’ve got a few birds visiting the back yard today  – halted in their migratory trek by a freak Spring snow. Here’s a gallery of the  woodpecker that decided to hang about today. Click on the thumbs to enlarge.

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AGW: Still Very Real Despite all the Luddite Mobs Trying to Storm the Castle

covers several of the recent climate denialist headlines, which almost always get things exactly wrong or backwards. Continue reading

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ACLU Takes Mississippi Bigots to Court Anyway

In a recent controversy a shcool in Mississippi canceled the Prom because the bigots in the school administration did not want to allow a lesbian to attend with a female date or to wear a tuxedo. The cancellation was to … Continue reading

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Frozen Decay; Scenes Along the Path to the Elephant Graveyard

The hard religious right’s bigotry for science, other religions, lifestyles, and races is like a frozen decay within the Republican party. Slowly and steadily getting worse until spring comes, the ice melts, and someone hoses the ugly muck off the … Continue reading

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Narrow Minded Bigots Cancel Prom and Spite Everyone

Bigots from the Religious right have canceled a school prom when they were challenged by a lesbian who wanted to bring her girl friend and who wanted to dress in a tuxedo. Continue reading

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Mainstreaming Extremism in East London

An ongoing series….

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The Mainstreaming of Extremism on the Right

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Mark Potok details the rise in militia, patriot, and extremist groups last year. The factor that he misses in this video however is not the rise of these groups, but rather their wider acceptance. Mainstream … Continue reading

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