Monthly Archives: June 2011


Here’s one of the spots Casey and I like to stop to catch our breath on our morning walks. The creek flows fast at this point and the location at the base of the hill usually funnels a breeze through. … Continue reading

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Yesterday’s Rain

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When your machines talk together, What will they say about you?

As the rest of the century unfolds you will see machines and artificial Artificial Intelligence units talking among themselves more and more until that chatter becomes a persistent tapestry in the background of our lives that we only rarely hear … Continue reading

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Wildflower Bouquet

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Alabama’s harsh new immigration law explained

[Link:…] Over at the War Room Justin Elliot delves into the chilling police state powers that the new Alabama immigration bill adds beyond the “papers please!” clause that we saw in the Arizona Immigration bill. It continues to amaze … Continue reading

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Manhattan in Motion

From The New Yorker:   Mindrelic – Manhattan in motion from Mindrelic on Vimeo.

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The Sensational Story That Wasn’t: Reports Of ‘Stoning’ Death Of Ukrainian Girl Turn Out To Be False

[Link:…] Next time you see that honor killing or sharia stoning to death story you might dig into it a bit more before you panic that Western Civilization is ending. If you look at just the facts the police … Continue reading

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Montana GOP’s KKK Candidate

After three solid years of pandering to bigots, birthers, and birchers nobody in the GOP leadership has a right to wonder or even pretend to wonder why they’ve become the party of choice for KKK members. A member of the … Continue reading

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Budget Cuts > Death Panels

[Link:…] Get ready to see more stories like this across the country as tea party philosophy meets reality. Death Panels aren’t needed, cutting the budget will do… Fire crews and police could only watch after a man waded into … Continue reading

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Rand Paul, Supposed Defender Of Civil Liberties, Calls For Jailing People Who Attend ‘Radical Political Speeches’

Rand Paul calls for jailing people who listen to ‘Radical Political Speeches’ while guest hosting for Hannity. Since he’s conflating it with religion *wink* *wink* nudge….(I’m saying it’s not Islam but it is…) he’s just called to abrogate three of … Continue reading

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