Tag Archives: Obama

Why I’m Voting for President Obama

I’m voting for President Obama because I trust him to do the right thing, and even on the issues where we don’t agree I know that he will make his choices based on principles and what he sees as best … Continue reading

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Yesterday’s Quote of the Day

This comes from President Obama, via Think Progress. It once more demonstrates that Ronald Reagan wouldn’t get past the primaries in today’s zealot and wingnut led GOP. Now, when I point this out, some of the Republicans in Congress say, … Continue reading

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Obama on Investing in Nuclear Energy

“We can’t keep on being mired in the same old stale arguments between the left and the right.” This is all too true – we have to have cheap clean safe energy in plenty if we are to cope with … Continue reading

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Obama’s Hyberbole

President Obama decried the new Supreme Court ruling on corporate money in politics stating: The Supreme Court has given a green light to a new stampede of special-interest money in our politics … It is a major victory for big … Continue reading

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President Obama and I agree

President Obama and I agree I usually have quibbles, reservations, or complete disagreement with much of what our President says, but here I am in 100 percent agreement. Like it our not we are a high energy society. If we … Continue reading

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A Boat on the Reef With a Broken Back

A Boat on the Reef With a Broken Back … And I can see it very well. To follow up on my earlier post about the real story of the collapse of Obama’s mandate and political capital on the reef … Continue reading

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Obama & The Real Story

Obama & The Real Story The real story for Obama is grim right now: unemployment is at new-century record highs, his first six months in office are a failure, his budget is delayed, transparency is delayed, health care reform is … Continue reading

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Obama: The Fail Part II, Nothing

Obama: The Fail Part II, Nothing I’ve been among those saying that there’s plenty to slam our President on without making stuff up as some kookspiracist bloggers are prone to do, and you don’t need to wish him to fail. … Continue reading

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Comparative Health Care MA vs GA

Comparative Health Care MA vs GA In this video 1000 pennies compares two major health care differences between Georgia and Massachusetts.

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Obama’s First Six Months: The Fail

Obama’s First Six Months: The Fail Domestic Even being kind and peering through rose-colored glasses won’t give the appearance that President Obama has succeeded in his major policy initiatives – especially when you look at real data from his first … Continue reading

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