Monthly Archives: December 2009

New Year Moon Gallery

Here’s some shots of tonight’s blue moon as it rose above the trees, and as a bonus a pic of the neighbor’s Christmas lights using both pan and zoom for effects and a blurry time exposure of Orion shot through … Continue reading

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On New Year’s Day

U2 New Years’ day Video Continue reading

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Kasey’s Affliction

Kasey has a problem with barking; she can’t seem to do that without an object in her mouth – here you see her with her favorite basketball mumble barking and growling at a snowplow.

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Smoking in Winter

The neighbors probably think I’m strange, but what the heck – smoked ribs just sounded good…

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Merry Christmas One and All

Normally I change out the banner for Christmas every year but since this is a fill in theme I haven’t had a chance to create one. So instead you will get a photo or two.

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Kasey Mopes

This year Kasey doesn’t like wearing the funny hat so much, here you see her moping about it.

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Three Days until Christmas

Three days left until Christmas, here’s wishing everyone the joy of the season.

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Why I’m Seriously Considering Registering as Democrat

I can’t believe this sad sickness displacing reason within the Republican party. I will never get in bed with Birchers, ever. Anyone Speaking at this convention will receive zero dollars from me, and zero support. In fact, anyone speaking is … Continue reading

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New Theme

I’m switching to a new Theme, while I love Inanis’s theme he’s put out the final version and the sidebar’s gone all wonky and I don’t feel like messing with it this am. So you have this theme which will … Continue reading

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Test of WordPress 2.9 Cropping feature

I’m going to do another test of WP 2.9 crop feature, and you are 100 percent safe in ignoring this post. It turns out that my diskspace was full due to an uncleaned supercache directory after I upgraded the plugin … Continue reading

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