Monthly Archives: July 2008

As Predicted

This is a time when I hate being right in these previous articles. This is a night I surely wish I were wrong, completely and utterly wrong. North Koreans are starving once again, and for now it’s the tyrannies and the slave … Continue reading

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Obama’s “Socialism”

Obama is clearly the most socialist candidate ever to win the nomination of a major political party in the United States. In Europe they love him because he matches the politicians that they are used to there. The concepts and proposals … Continue reading

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Jurassic Fight Club Premiers Tonight

Also on the History Channel “Evolve – Eyes“

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Images again

In case you are wondering about the glut of photos lately I”m fiddling with the gallery feature in wordpress so that I can not only insert them but also manage how they appear easier. (left right, border etc.) Right now … Continue reading

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The View From the North and Hair of the Dog

Moss grows on the North side, and in the far North it’s not unusual to encounter the hair of the dog as a sovereign remedy.

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The Dark Knight of Our Souls

The Dark Knight portrays a quintessential struggle between good and evil in in a fantasy setting that’s an allegory for the real world and the larger struggles within it. It’s the movie about the war on terror that Hollywood cannot … Continue reading

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The Audacity of Hopelessness

Today Senator John McCain gave a speech in Denver, and this segment bears repeating: Senator Obama and I also faced a decision, which amounted to a real-time test for a future commander-in-chief. America passed that test. I believe my judgment … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Politics | 5 Comments

Water Over the Dam

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