Tag Archives: Congress

Obama is Failing IV

Obama is Failing It’s now more that a month past my first post about President Obama’s First two quarters in office,  and the outlook is not any better. Obama is presiding over an economy with accelerating  job losses when he … Continue reading

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Health Care Bill:The Advanced Care Planning Section

Health Care Bill:The Advanced Care Planning Section This particular section of the Health Care bill is causing quite a bit of controversy, the response from the hard religious right is that “Obama wants to euthanize old people!” and the response … Continue reading

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A Boat on the Reef With a Broken Back

A Boat on the Reef With a Broken Back … And I can see it very well. To follow up on my earlier post about the real story of the collapse of Obama’s mandate and political capital on the reef … Continue reading

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West State Democrats

If you look at the power structure of the Democrat party you see that almost their entire leadership is from Western states Continue reading

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Obama & The Real Story

Obama & The Real Story The real story for Obama is grim right now: unemployment is at new-century record highs, his first six months in office are a failure, his budget is delayed, transparency is delayed, health care reform is … Continue reading

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Cap and Tax Under Hot Debate

Cap and Tax Under Hot Debate Update: The bill passed 219-212 The Waxman-Markey Cap and Tax bill is under hot debate on the house floor right now, the bill will introduce a huge hidden energy tax to middle class americans, … Continue reading

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Pelosi Pimps National Energy Tax and Iowa Congressman Braley in Des Moines

That’s how it started off, a plan like the Europeans… but since then it’s turned into a patronage scam of perks and pork as Rep. Henry Waxman trades credits to states whose votes he needs to pass the bill. It’s a monstrosity that we don’t need while the economy is recovering. Continue reading

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Drowning the Taxpayer in Debt: Priceless

Drowning the Taxpayer in Debt: Priceless There are some things your tax dollars shouldn’t buy…

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The Art of the Con

The Art of the Con Here’s an educational video that bears watching in the era of Obama, and a democrat controlled congress. What red meat political issues are the Dems chumming the water with, and which should we really be … Continue reading

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Republican Strategy Needs to Change

“Anyone can be angry. That is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, in the right way — that is not easy.”

— Aristotle, “Nicomachean Ethics” Continue reading

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