Tag Archives: speech

Blasphemy in Ireland

If you are religious you will most likely find these quotes offensive, and I used to really care a lot about not offending religious people even though I’ve been atheist all my life Continue reading

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My Advice to Republicans: Don’t Vote on the Bill Until we Have a New Speaker

Am I angry? No, I am enraged at Pelosi’s speech. It seems intended to politicize this and ensure that there is no fix. The Dems are not happy unless we are all poor victims and the economy is tanking because they are party-power first people.

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Energy and Jobs

As long as energy is expensive and less abundant we will be harming our ability to compete on the world market, and decreasing jobs at most local levels. It’s a steady static downward spiral that we cannot afford to stay … Continue reading

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Some Humor From the Campaign Trail

From John McCain speaking in Chicago last night: “We don’t pay any attention to polls,” when they show him behind, McCain said. “Now we’re up in the polls, 5 points up in Gallup. So those polls are always exactly right … Continue reading

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Rudy Guiliani’s Speech

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Who Owns the Democrats and the Superdelegates?

Whoever does own the delegates, the Denver Police department doesn’t want us to know. According to ABC news their reporter was arrested covering one of the many high dollar meetings and trying to film the donors while they were leaving. Continue reading

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