Monthly Archives: September 2011


To me it’s fall when our redbud tree starts changing to yellow leaves, and when the morning sun hits them they show some great translucent shades. This was taken this morning with the Canon T21, and reduced somewhat for the … Continue reading

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Nik Cubrilovic Blog – Logging out of Facebook is not enough

Dave Winer wrote a timely piece this morning about how Facebook is scaring him since the new API allows applications to post status items to your Facebook timeline without a users intervention. It is an extension of Facebook Instant and … Continue reading

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Are cosmic rays causing global warming?

Potholer54 on the latest GOP dunderheaded attack on science.   I know the blogs will tell you that that a correlation between cosmic rays and temperature has been shown, and once you believe this it may be hard to convince … Continue reading

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Skewed views of science – Qualia Soup

Skewed views of science – YouTube.

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Effects of wars and epidemics on historical atmospheric CO2 content: Dr. Julia Pongratz

Dr. Julia Pongratz, postdoctoral research scientist at the Carnegie Institution Dept. of Global Ecology, discussing   J. Pongratz, K. Caldeira, C.H. Reick, and M. Claussen (2011) , Coupled climate-carbon simulations indicate minor global effects of wars and epidemics on atmospheric … Continue reading

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Awesome Grail twins launch Video

Twin lunar gravity research satellites were successfully launched this week, here’s some great video from NASA of the launch.

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Missouri GOP Wants To Raise Taxes On 100,000 Seniors And Disabled Citizens To Pay For Corporate Tax Break

Yesterday, Missouri lawmakers began a special session during which Republicans will try to pay for a business tax cut by eliminating a tax credit that benefits more than 100,000 senior citizens and disabled people. Missouri Republicans are just the latest … Continue reading

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Rescued from the Archives: My Wonderwall

Here’s a post I wrote a few years back, but it’s more relevant now that people can see the prices of large flat screen displays dropping. We really aren’t that far from a day when they are inexpensive enough to … Continue reading

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Morality 2 From Qualia Soup

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