Monthly Archives: February 2010

What we Know About Climate Change

A new video from Peter Sinclair who outlines some of the very basic and elementary facts and proofs of man made global warming, and how they are supported. I’ve known about man made global warming since the 1980’s, when I … Continue reading

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Dog Park Day

A day at the dog park with Kasey and Chewey

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The Sandpit: Tilty and Shifty Without the Rented Lens

No matter what the fellow at True Slant says you have to admire The Sandpit from the sheer amount of labor and love that went into it. Just because Bill likes the scenery chewing Snowstorm as an actor better than … Continue reading

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M O O N Spells Moon

Tonight’s moon – these moon photos I post are pretty large, so when you click on the thumbnail to blow it up, try ctrl and the plus key together a few times to see the real definition.

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Our Pale Blue Dot

This is our pale blue dot — ours but for a moment in vast cosmic time.

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True Fiscal Conservatives Always Charge Their Groceries to State Party Credit Cards…

In the mounting brouhaha over Marco Rubio’s personal expenses being charged to GOP credit cards Hot air has been fast to leap to the defense; after all the darling of the CPAC convention is a true fiscal conservative in the … Continue reading

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The Greater Icepaw Range

Scientists believe that the strange formations of the Icepaw range that resemble a demonic lion’s face or J.D. Hayworth talking about birth certificates were actually created by a large meteor shower. In this aerial photo you can see the formations … Continue reading

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A Warming World

Here’s a video from NASA data that details some of the factors behind AGW. For much more information go to Nasa’s Warming World page.

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Kudos to Mark Levin and Bill Bennett

Kudos are due Mark Levin for calling out the Bircher Co-Sponsorship at CPAC, and refusing to speak there because of it. Mark and I probably don’t see eye to eye on some things (Discovery Institute issues likely) but you have … Continue reading

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New Credit Card Rules Bound to Shock Some

New reforms on Credit Cards go into effect today – it’s a good idea to check on changes to your cards: More here: King 5 News That helps explain why the industry reacted so aggressively to the legislation. Among the … Continue reading

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