Category Archives: Politics

Wingnut Predicted New Ice Ages that Never Happened

In which Peter Hadfield, aka Potholer54 tracks the November 2018 claims back to sources, and shows how wrong they are in their interpretation of the data regarding the new Solar Grand Minimum. He also does a great job of looking … Continue reading

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Joe Biden: Trump Put The Country In A Terrible Spot By Failing To Act

Stephen Colbert with an extended interview with Joe Biden, presumptive democrat nominee for president. The horrific corona virus response is covered, and Joe covers plans to tackle the pandemic when he gets in office.

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That Smell, Can’t you Smell that Smell?

the GOP is going to pretend that it’s ok, that it’s somehow normal, nothing to see here, these aren’t the droids Continue reading

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A CONSERVATIVE solution to global warming (Part 1)

Political Correctness in the Republican party consists of denying that global warming exists, or that it’s man made, or that it’s impact to our children’s futures and our nation won’t be monumental. These denials come in the face of science … Continue reading

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Buyers tied to Russia, Soviet republics made 86 all cash sales

Was it for favors or things beyond the condos, or were they just laundering money? Continue reading

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South Dakota lawmaker: Let businesses ‘turn away people of color,’ later apologizes

I can just see the thought process here… “Darnit – with Trump in office I can’t tell anymore when I’m supposed to be wearing my ‘not a bigot’ facemask and when I’m not…” In a Facebook comment, state Rep. Michael … Continue reading

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Senator Incitatus

they are the sort of lies a conceited paranoid twit would tell to shore up his self worth Continue reading

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This Time it is Different

Hillary’s latest ad:

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Kirk Douglas on the Road Ahead

These are not the American values that we fought in World War II to protect. Continue reading

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Jon Stewart Takes Over the Late Show to Rant About GOP and Fox News Trump Contortions

Jon Stewart Takes Over the Late Show to Rant About GOP and Fox News Trump Contortions Continue reading

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