Monthly Archives: October 2006

New Message From Mullah Omar

Mullah Omar has sent his usual Eid message, promising more resistance. Continue reading

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Lieberman in the Catbird Seat

Post election Joe has a choice to make if he wins: will he return to the Democrat party and mount a reform movement from within, perhaps partnering with Zell Miller? Will he switch party for a committee chairmanship in the Republican Party? Will he stay independent and play both parties dependant on issue? Continue reading

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Dr Blake

I read this when I was very young and I  came across it again while trolling through Wikipedia. I’m parking this here because today was a good day, and this brings back fond memories of simpler times. Thor as he first appeared … Continue reading

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Iranian Narrowband Internet Revolution

In a brilliant move, Ahmadinejad has introduced new internet technology to the people of Iran — it’s the dawn of NARROWBAND! Continue reading

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Why is This Man Not Smiling?

It has nothing to do with the fact that his shady land deals are coming to the light of the ethics committee, instead, it’s all about the economy and the elections. Continue reading

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Washout in Keystone Canyon

p>                                        My sister sent me some great pictures of Keystone Canyon on the way to Valdez, Alaska,  I thought I would … Continue reading

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Waziristan Pact Violated

In a bad sign for the Waziristan pact, NATO states that the recent bombers in Afghanistan were trained by Sadiq Noor in North Waziristan, definitely a breaking of the pact. Continue reading

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Musharraf and Waziristan Update

Sorry for the long delay in this report, I’ve been holding out for more names and information, but that’s not forthcoming at the moment. I’ve been holding out hoping that I could announce that Hamid Gul was one of the … Continue reading

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We’ve Got the Dream, They’ve got the Spleen

Republicans think there is a future, that we are all not automatically doomed, that we aren’t strange meat-puppets awaiting our fate. Republicans think there is reason, purpose and meaning to life. Republican initiatives will help your children and your grandchildren. Continue reading

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Franken, You’re Fired!

“Franken — You’re Fired!” It’s not as far a stretch of the imagination as you might think that this conversation could take place. Air America has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the state of New York. Continue reading

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