Monthly Archives: July 2016

Clinton on Trump: “A Man You Can Bait With a Tweet Is Not A Man We Can Trust With Nuclear Weapons”

Hillary Clinton on on Donald Trump’s greatest weakness.

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Selecting Tim Kaine as VP aids Progressive Efforts

Since the pre-leak of the announcement there’s been lots of discussion of how progressive Tim Kaine is or isn’t, some of it emanating from the Berniacs, however much is also coming from the usual anti-Hillary camps. You know them, those … Continue reading

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Jon Stewart Takes Over the Late Show to Rant About GOP and Fox News Trump Contortions

Jon Stewart Takes Over the Late Show to Rant About GOP and Fox News Trump Contortions Continue reading

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Who to Vote For in Kansas

If you are like me then you are sick and tired of seeing jobs flee the state, our schools and roads running down, our health care choices diminishing while costs go up, and more budget deficits ballooning in the future. … Continue reading

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Bernie Sanders Endorses HRC

Today Bernie Sanders gave a full-throated, unreserved endorsement to Hillary, here’s a transcript of the final segment: In these stressful times for our country, this election must be about bringing our people together, not dividing us up. While Donald Trump … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Praises Saddam Hussein’s Approach to Terrorism — Again

While the GOP loves them some authoritarian dictators, I hope this Jack Bauer extra-judicial approach to terrorism doesn’t resonate with the public beyond the small circle of committed idiots that Trump has already cultivated. When he says things like this … Continue reading

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