Monthly Archives: April 2008

Massive Weapons Cache Captured in Basra


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Video Details Features of the Syrian/NK Plutonium Creation Facility

  Hat Tip Hot Air

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Redbuds Mean Spring


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Gore Lied People Died III

I’ve been picking on Al Gore and the disciples of warming because they are the most visible face of last-century’s eco-luddite movement, however to solve the real problems everyone must realize that Al’s not the only person causing starvation and stasis in the world. … Continue reading

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Making and Breaking the Peace in Pakistan

While the new government is on record pace to make deals with the Taliban, the Taliban is breaking the deals before the ink dries. Bill Roggio has details on the NWFP deal here, as well as the ongoing negotiations with … Continue reading

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The Hunger vs. The Gas II

We force the use of our earliest and dirtiest forms of energy combined to power vehicles and call it green. Food was the original source of energy, and it powered humans and their competitors. Fire was the second form. Burning food that takes great energy to produce doesn’t make sense when the combustion still puts pollution in the air. It really makes less sense as people die of hunger. Continue reading

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BDS Moonbat Arrested for Attacking Cerebral Palsy Victim in Wheelchair

BDS and Moonbattery know few bounds, Lawhawk has the story at A Blog For All. Update: Doing a little digging on the group “We are change” it turns out that they are 9/11 Troofer Moonbats, who love Lyndon LaRouche and … Continue reading

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Rest in Peace Jonathon Cote

The sixth body discovered in the Basra area has been positively identified as that of Jonathon Cote. This ends in sorrow however the familie’s long ordeal is now over. Jonathon by all accounts was a fine soldier who served his … Continue reading

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The Hunger vs the Gas

This morning a collection of articles and quotes on a real crisis vs. an imagined or inflated one: Doug Ross at The Journal points out a little noted story about a group that is directly challenging the IPCC conclusions from the … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Freedom | 2 Comments

Sixth Body Found in Basra

Please keep the Cote Family in your thoughts and prayers. A sixth body has been found in the same area of Basra as the corpses of the hostages that were found last month. More at and Not Ready for … Continue reading

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