Monthly Archives: September 2010

If You are a Glenn Beck Viewer Then there’s this bridge I have…

I saw ads for ambulance chasing Lawyers, Psychics, Gold Pimps, and emergency solar generator pimps. It really is either a sign of how far downhill Fox has run, or it tells you the real supermarket tabloid type audience that Glenn has managed to gather in one niche. Continue reading

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Dawkins Deservedly Pummels the Pope

Reality belies the Pope’s claim, indeed it seems that religious moral cowards are more likely to become Nazis than atheists, after all the current Pope did. Continue reading

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Last Night’s Moon

This is what the moon looked like in the Midwest last night. Continue reading

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The Fairies of the Gaps: Observation Alone is Not Science

Concordance has produced another great Skeptic video that explains the difference between observation and imagining cause vs. observation, hypothesis and test. This is the scientific method, and why PSI, Intelligent Design, and Fairy ring fallacies fail to move our real … Continue reading

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My Ball!

Kasey loves to play keep away, and in this photo you detect that she’s getting ready to teleport at least ten feet by the blurry fore-paw. Continue reading

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Heart Rate

What amazed me during my studies were rest heart rates of cyclists and other athletes, e.g. Lance Armstrong – 32 bpm. After my bypass surgery they gave me a pacemaker when my heart dropped below fifty while I was deeply sleeping one night, and it only kicks in when my BPM goes too low. Continue reading

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