Monthly Archives: April 2007

Connecting the Dots — All Roads Lead to London

Please stop by Little Green Footballs for a must see video on the true connects between all the large terror attacks in London and America the past few years.

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Pakistan Update

In the WTF (What the Fatwah!?) Department we have another woman who goes on the list of having more courage than many men — Nilofer Bhaktiar in a Daily Times interview Continue reading

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Iran Exterminates Individuality

In its race to become the most repressive regime since Mao Zedong’s, the State of Iran is now mandating haircut styles for men, and burqas for women. It’s a quest doomed to failure – trying to remake people into the state’s … Continue reading

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Lost Comments

Apologies to Ornery Elephant, and maybe one other? I lost some comments this morning through not paying attention while deleting some spam. I am also implementing a new policy, as I reply to comments I will insert my replies at … Continue reading

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No Rest for the Wicked

For most of the winter we got to listen to the rants of Mullah Dadullah, promising all sorts of mayhem in this Spring’s Taliban campaign. Unfortunately, he’s being roundly thwarted by new tactics which include more weapons-free rules of engagement, … Continue reading

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Gun Markets of Pakistan

This is educational for folks calling for the invasion of Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province, a Taliban hangout. Some portray it as a monolithic Taliban region, but in reality it’s a lot of disparate tribes and interests. You see a … Continue reading

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The Moderate Muslims

Everyone keeps asking “Where are the moderate Muslims and why don’t they speak?” For the answer, please stop by Little Green Footballs and check out the demonstration in Istanbul, Turkey that brought out millions. also previously see this.

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Don’t Tell Rosie!

Since Rosie O’Donnell, High-Priestess to moonbats has declared that fire can’t melt steel, this must not be happening! It’s against the spoken word of the church! From Yahoo news (hat tip cbinflux): OAKLAND, Calif. – A section of freeway that … Continue reading

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Snow on Monday

The indefatigable Tony Snow will return to work on Monday after treatment for cancer; soon he will begin chemotherapy. In a gathering of fellow Alumni of Davidson college Tony said the following in response to some questions. Continue reading

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Pakistan Update

Another Al Qaida operative has been captured in the mountains near Zhob in Pakistan, it’s not known if this is someone important or not, there are conflicting reports.

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