Monthly Archives: July 2006

Qana Kana Propaganda falling apart

the Qana “Massacre” is not all it seems Continue reading

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GWOT Update, Friday 7/28

Hezbollah has fired their longest range rockets yet today, hitting a field near the Israeli town of Afula, 44 miles Southeast of Haifa. These missiles carry up to 100 KG of explosives and are the most dangerous yet in the Hezbollah arsenal Continue reading

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Jewish Community Center Under Attack in Seattle, one dead, terrorist captured

Update at LGF: Hate crime or Terror? — I will vote for the latter.  The authorities have a vested interest in keeping US citizens calm by making this an “isolated incident”, if you have children and value their future, then … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Politics | 2 Comments

Iran Manufacturing IED’s used in Iraq; factories located

Breaking: IED”s and explosives used to incite sectarian violence in Iraq are being manufactured in Tehran. Potentially some of the Hezzbollah anti-tank mines come from these same factories. Continue reading

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Night off

It’s been a long day, so tonight no updates, no news. A picture and a poem instead. Epitaph on a Tyrant Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after And the poetry he invented was easy to understand; He … Continue reading

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Then and Now

Then and now Continue reading

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Wisconsin Lawmakers to UofW: Fire Kevin Barrett

Note to University of Wisconsin –this guy doesn’t tell lies about 9/11, why don’t you ask for his resume:   Kevin Barrett, one of the loons who is claiming that 9/11 was a US government plot was hired over many objections … Continue reading

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Mumbai Bomber suspects arrested in India

The first arrests of suspects in the Mumbai Train Bombings have occurred in India as the BBC reports. This is good news if the Indian authorities do have the right suspects. I have detected a change in the stance of India towards terrorism and their neighbors in Pakistan since this event. Continue reading

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The Storm

It’s been one long day spent averting crisis’ at work, breaking down barriers, wiping noses, soothing tempers and bullying recalcitrant technology vendors. I’ve been on the phone from 7:30 am until 8:15 pm, and really just need to vegetate a bit. … Continue reading

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Breaking: Israeli Troops Enter Southern Lebanon

In the raids that we’ve been expecting, Israel has invaded southern Lebanon to hit specific strongholds of Hizbullah. See the story, and some commentary on CNN’s coverage of this at Little Green Footballs. Continue reading

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