Monthly Archives: May 2006

News from Iraq

It will probably go un-noticed in all the flap on Haditha, but there is a lot of great news coming from Iraq. Continue reading

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Unity08 Third party initiative

Third party forming over the internet, from KCBuzzblog, the KC Star’s politics blog: A bipartisan group of political organizers launched a new group today called, an effort to redesign the system for nominating White House candidates. The Internet-based third … Continue reading

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100th post, and some administrivia

I just got back from vacation so I have a lot of ground to recover here at work and won’t be posting a lot today. However I did go through and flag all the immigration articles with that tag, you … Continue reading

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Memorial Day Poem

A poem from my father, who I thank once again for his service, and thanks on this day to his brother, my uncle Johnny who did not board the flite back. 

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Non-Nuclear ICBMs

To update an earlier post on this, see the new Reuters story on non-nuclear Trident II missle use here. The International Herald Tribune said the weapon would be a non-nuclear version of the submarine-launched Trident-2 missile and be part of a president’s … Continue reading

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Immigration Bill in Conference

 “The line between good and evil goes through every human heart.” –Solzhenitsyn Now that the Immigration bill is in committee and the senate has left the house to take the heat it’s time to assess best and worst-case scenarios. It’s … Continue reading

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Jefferson Probe Update

I question Denny Hastert’s initial stance on this, as should you. Congresscritters are not above the law, and there aren’t protections and immunities in place here for them as in European governments and other parliamentary bodies. The US is a republic.

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Sadaamists hiding in Sweden

One of Sadaam Hussein’s cousins is currently seeking asylum in Sweden, see the article here. In other other interesting developments Raytheon and Bofors have created a new GPS guided artillery shell which is now deployed in Iraq. The cost of … Continue reading

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Germany visits the edge of the Non-Nuclear Power abyss

In Germany politicians earlier made committment to eliminate nuclear power from Germany by 2021 after unrelenting pressure over the last 20 years from the Greens. This even though Nuclear supplies 30% of Germany’s energy at present. After the trick Gazprom pulled … Continue reading

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Libby Ruling

At American Thinker an article on the recent ruling to obtain reporter’s documents explains the potentials in detail. This ruling has far-reaching consequence, a future case against Karl Rove would springboard from Fitzgerald’s case against Libby, or that appears to be the now-waning hope. You … Continue reading

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