Monthly Archives: November 2012

Late Evening Netflix Drop

I hate when I forget to put the movies out in the mailbox and have to run them to the post office.

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About Those Paper Yard Waste Bags & How Many You Can Put Out in Lenexa

When Kasey and I walk we often stop to talk to neighbors when we see them working in their yards. Usually the conversation revolves around the weather, dogs, or how badly the Chiefs are doing. However since the beginning of … Continue reading

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Treed Squirrel

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Kasey treed this fellow in the Redbud, so I took the opportunity to get some photos.

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Why I’m Voting for President Obama

I’m voting for President Obama because I trust him to do the right thing, and even on the issues where we don’t agree I know that he will make his choices based on principles and what he sees as best … Continue reading

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Why I’m Voting Against Mitt Romney

There are many reasons I’m voting Democrat this election but prime among them is that Mitt Romney has no core, no soul, no integrity. There are many words that you would never apply to him after his several years of … Continue reading

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