Monthly Archives: June 2014

Island at the Edge of the Night

If I name it then there is less mystery for you.

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Crunch Your IoT Data Before It Clogs the Network

Paul Glynn makes a good point here – for the Internet of things to be effective and efficient, some data refinement needs to take place at a local level. If you pass every measurement, second by second, you will quickly … Continue reading

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Another self explanatory picture post.

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The Demise of Spinning Disks and Other Technology Verges: Updated

More than a couple of years back I made predictions about spinning disks that are speedily playing out now. As SSD’s both increase in space and decrease in costs the move to adopt them in all infrastructure is accelerating. If … Continue reading

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Political Polarization and Growing Ideological Consistency

What’s driving this? There are probably many things, but some of this divide is created by reactionaries – people who can’t deal with the rapid rate of accelerating change in the modern world. They exist in both parties, but the … Continue reading

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The Internet: for More Than Cats

This gallery contains 21 photos.

We’ve had a day and a half of pretty steady rain so I thought I would go down to the creek crossing and take some of those “water rushing by” photos like the one below. Unfortunately Kasey tangled her leash … Continue reading

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Apple IOS 8 adds extensions for IoT

The new IOS extensions are Apple’s way of trying to meld their walled garden gear into the Internet of things. Essentially Apple has to poke more holes in the garden walls if they want their devices to stay relevant and … Continue reading

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