Monthly Archives: April 2011


When we were in Grand Cayman they took us out to this underwater sandbar in the middle of the ocean and dumped us off the boat into waist deep water. I took this pic of a stingray there, with one … Continue reading

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A Letter from Christopher Hitchens to American Atheists

Christopher Hitchens is ill, and cannot make an address he was scheduled for instead he sent this letter. Dear fellow-unbelievers, Nothing would have kept me from joining you except the loss of my voice (at least my speaking voice) which … Continue reading

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Storm : A beat poem by Tim Minchin

The animated movie and beat poem reveals an empiricist’s worst nightmare of a guest.

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The Mountain

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Just Before Sunrise two weeks ago

A photo from the top of the hill near the Mall taken just before we left on vacation. Car headlights presage the real dawn.

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