Monthly Archives: July 2012

Medieval Warm Period — fact vs. fiction

Peter Hadley aka Potholer54 with a great video about the AGW denialist’s favorite stalking horse, the Medieval Warm period. Medieval Warm Period — fact vs. fiction – YouTube.

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Bokeh Tricks

To make a shot like this you need a room about 20′ long Continue reading

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What I’m Listening to: July Edition

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these so this will be a compilation of the past few months of songs I’m listening to that are relatively new. Keep in mind I am not posting the inescapable uber … Continue reading

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The Latest Obama Derangement Syndrome Email

President Obama has made inroads with our military who at first doubted him. He’s shown that he is a competent commander in chief intent on protecting U.S. interests abroad. Witness the hostage rescue from the Somali pirates early in his … Continue reading

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Qualia Soup with a short exposition on Secularism. Secularism – YouTube.

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Cicada Wasp

We had a Cicada Wasp die on the patio yesterday, I’m assuming one of the neighbors insect sprayed or that it ran into something. These get quite large (this one was about 2″ long) but are harmless to humans unless … Continue reading

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Inside the World’s Largest Collection of Science Fiction and Fantasy

It Came from Riverside (Ep. 1): Inside the World’s Largest Collection of Science Fiction and Fantasy – YouTube.

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Friday Morning Moon

The moon appears bigger when it is low on the horizon, but the detail that reaches the photo sensor is not as sharp. The light has to travel through a much longer column of air to reach the camera lens so … Continue reading

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