Tag Archives: taxes

Obama’s First Six Months: The Fail

Obama’s First Six Months: The Fail Domestic Even being kind and peering through rose-colored glasses won’t give the appearance that President Obama has succeeded in his major policy initiatives – especially when you look at real data from his first … Continue reading

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But would you pay for it?

But would you pay for it? This CNN segment cuts to the essentials of the health care and cap and trade bill debates:

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Nancy Says “Everything is on the Table” including Taxes

Nancy Says “Everything is on the Table” including Taxes When it comes to how to pay for their health care plan costs the Democrats are being vague as you can see in this interview with Nancy Pelosi. When asked about … Continue reading

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Obama’s Open Government: Release Abu Ghraib Photos; No Visibility to Tarp Funds

Obama’s Open Government: Release Abu Ghraib Photos but No Visibility to Tarp Funds I would laugh, but it’s not funny. President Obama is still waffling on releasing Abu Ghraib photos five years after the fact, and closing Gitmo, but at … Continue reading

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Drowning the Taxpayer in Debt: Priceless

Drowning the Taxpayer in Debt: Priceless There are some things your tax dollars shouldn’t buy…

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Penn on a Trillion

What’s a Trillion? Penn does get one thing wrong in this video, if you are on the Glen Beck show it’s always going to be Glen who’s the biggest nut. But hey, these are nutty times.

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Cap and Tax Shell Game Pushed by Geithner

Cap and Tax Shell Game Pushed by Geithner This is the worst possible time to be pushing cap and trade – increased prices for energy are not the answer for our economic woes, and a low energy future is not … Continue reading

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Pork Bubbles: Graphic Representation of the Stimulus Bill

Pork Bubbles Now that the porkathon in Congress is over and the Stimulus bill certain to pass, it’s time to look at what your congresscritters hath wrought. There’s a great graphic representation of it over at the Washington post that … Continue reading

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Turn and Face Those Strange Changes…

The real change you can believe in ….

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Obama’s Budget is a Giveaway Grab Bag; You Don’t Know What Will Come Out of It

We’ve already seen how Barack manages large programs, under the Annenberg Challenge with Bill Ayers he gave away a total of 150 million to gaggle of community activist groups to improve schools. Some of those groups were radical, but putting … Continue reading

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